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Reproductive Rights Fund


Join me in donating to charities which will fight to ensure the restoration of Women's reproductive rights. If you have more charities to add ping me!

Your Donation Supports

Midwest Access Coalition

Midwest Access Coalition (MAC) supports people getting to and from their abortion procedures. As a practical abortion fund, MAC supports people who are traveling to, from, and within the Midwest gain access to safe, legal abortions. MAC assists clients with logistics, as well as travel, lodging, food, and medication costs.

Avow Foundation For Abortion Access

Secure unrestricted abortion care and reproductive rights for all Texans through community-building, education, and political advocacy.

Feminist Womens Health Center

Vision: We have a vision of a world where all women freely make their own decisions regarding their bodies, reproduction and sexuality -- a world where women can fulfill their own unique potential and live healthy whole lives. Mission:  To achieve reproductive freedom for women, Cedar River Clinics provide abortion and reproductive care so that women can decide their destinies. Feminist Women’s Health Center/Cedar River Clinics is a social justice organization that combines direct services (abortion, birth control and reproductive health care), with activism (to increase access to health care and work for justice for all) and community education (to demystify health information and empower health decisions). We believe sexual and reproductive freedoms are basic human rights for all women regardless of age, income, ethnicity, language, nationality, sexual orientation, physical ability, or religion. Abortion is a matter of personal liberty, responsibility, and conscience. We trust women to decide when, if, and under what circumstances they will give birth. Safe, legal abortion saves women's lives.See our three websites to learn more:  -  -

Womens Reproductive Rights Assistance Project Wrrap

WRRAP's mission is to ensure that all women* of all ages, genders, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds have access to safe, legal abortion care and emergency contraception. We are a 501 c 3 non profit organization that operates on a high-efficiency, primarily volunteer model (one paid staff member), enabling us to direct close to 90% of all donated funds to help women and girls in crisis. *Definition of "women" includes transgender, genderqueer and non-binary people who are woman-identified.

Reproductive Rights Fund

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Human Rights
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